Jeddah has a dry climate with tropical temperatures and virtually no precipitation during the year, which usually falls in small amounts in November and December. June, July, and August are the warmest months on average, with daytime temperatures well above 32°C (89°F). January and February are the “coldest” months with an average daily temperature of about 29°C (76°F). Summer temperatures are extremely hot, not infrequently exceeding 46/48°C in the afternoon and “dropping” to 24°C to 28°C in the evening.
Since Jeddah is located at about the same latitude as Hong Kong, summers are regularly very humid, causing the perceived temperature to rise above the actual temperature. The month with the highest humidity is September; the average annual humidity is 60%. In winter, violent thunderstorms may well occur, causing flooding in the city. Especially in summer, dust storms appear, originating from the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula or from North Africa.
Water Temperatures
Average water temperatures on the Jeddah coast range from about 26°C in January to about 31° in midsummer.