© Dr. Hans-F. Loth

Dress code

Outside the home, nearly all Saudi women dress according to religious and social custom. The traditional black overgarment (abaya) covers most of the body, from head to foot. Also woman’s hair is basically covered. It is even not seldom that Saudi Arabian women are totally covered including face and hands. Although the climate is hot! This is an expression of a long, long tradition and is meant to protect women from unwanted attention. 

Men wear — also in case of casual situation — the thawb, a loose, ankle-length robe made from fine white cotton (in winter: woollen material). The head covering is the guthra which is  a white or red and white checkered cloth held in place by the agal, a black “rope’”, which was originally a camel tether. 

You should simply accept this country-wide custom. This means you should avoid dressing yourself provocatively. Thus, it is strongly recommended to not reveal shoulders, arms and legs; needless to say that a deep neckline that only half covers the bust is totally inappropriate. Dressing like this is felt to be a western-like provocation. 

Men should avoid wearing shorts and sleeveless shirts in the street. 

During business meetings women should wear conservative attire, in the form of dark-coloured trousers or skirts that fall below the knee. Also the elbows should always be covered. Men will wear classical business attire.

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